As promised I will give a brief overview on my travels and experience since being in Germany. At first it was mainly walking around the city of Dortmund - I believe I still have barely seen even half of this city as of yet... and going out to many bars, mostly the student ones though. With the help of the Kultur programme that I was in, I fell in love with Cologne or Köln (I prefer to say) the day was freezing but...the Dom was beautiful on the outside and inside. I strongly recommend seeing this cathedral - religious or not - if you're ever nearby. Oh, and also the chocolate museum! ;) Due to only having a limited time, that was the museum I visited however, there are plenty others and all are very close to each other, as well as different. Like I said, I fell in love with the place, especially the Dom, so when a couple of friends (also exchange students) arranged to go there, it comes at no surprise that I would use this opportunity to go again...and take many more pictures......